Selasa, 17 Juni 2014



The Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN) is a regional organisation in south east asia , which consisted of eleven (11) countries, namely; Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Brunei Darussalam. In 1997,  the ASEAN Vision 2020 was agreed. which embodies the stable region, prosperous and highly competitive with equitable economic development is characterized by a decrease in the level of poverty and socio-economic differences. Then in 2003, agreed on three pillars to realize the ASEAN Vision 2020 which accelerated to 2015, namely:

1. ASEAN Economic Community
2. ASEAN Politcal -Security Community, 
3. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is one form of a Free Trade Area (FTA), which is a regional economic cooperation in the region that is integrated with the hope to provide easier access to foreign trade. ASEAN countries are known as commodity-based exports of natural resources in Asia also makes production opportunities in the competitive market. However, if the government did not conduct an analysis of the problems proficiency level, some sectors of the industry will experience a point of weakness when the FTA is really implemented. 

The existence of a free market or the FTA are open the opportunities and competition in the goods and services market, investment market, capital market and the labor market. In this case Indonesia has the largest populations in the ASEAN region, which Heterogeneous communities with different types of tribes, languages ​​and customs and has many natural resources that spread from Sabang to Merauke. 
Indonesia's economic strength is good enough, economic growth is the highest in the world after India. It will be important factor for prepare Indonesian society towards the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015.

In the First Pillar of MEA blueprint, stated that: ASEAN as a single market and international production base with elements of free flow of goods, services, investment, skilled labor and more free flow of capital. If Indonesia is not ready, then the free flow of goods, services, investment, skilled labor and capital, will be seen as a threat rather than an opportunity. MEA in an effort to enhance economic prosperity by strengthening the competitiveness to win the global competition, through the stages of integration of the domestic market as a single market and production base integration and ultimately increase competitiveness in the global market.

The MEA challenges such as field workers in Indonesia will be the threat of raising the unemployment rate, as it will have an impact on improving the living standards of the Indonesian people. Especially laborers who have no educational certification as workers were brought in from China, even Vietnam is not better welfare of Indonesian workers. If Indonesia is not ready, then the free flow of goods, services, investment, skilled labor and capital, will be seen as a threat rather than an opportunity.


The main challenge in business in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community 2015 is to improve the competitiveness of human resources capability and competitive advantage in all sectors of industry and services at the level of global competition. Organizations are also accused to be able to provide satisfactory service (customer satisfaction) and the value of the service itself (customer value). Need for human resource development based competency is done in order to deliver results in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization based on specified performance standards.

The minister of labor and transmigration, Muhaimin Iskandar  said, standard of HR qualification requirements translated into competency standards for all areas of expertise, which is a reflection on the competence of the need of every person who will work in these fields, such as : Indonesian National Competence (SKKNI), Special Competency Standards, and International Standards. 
a competency- based educational institutions is needed to produce competent human resources, and has been tested in the Professional Certification Institute to produce superior human resources.

Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik presented certificates of competency to four thousand workers engaged in the tourism sector, which includes the fields of hospitality, restaurant, and spa. This was done in order Launching National Movement Competency Based Development of HR Excellence in the tourism sector. Moreover, in facing the challenges in the ASEAN region who have agreed to implement the ease tourism labor mobility in the region through mutual recognition arrangement (MRA). That's because today's tourism sector requires professional treatment by a reliable, standards, and certified to ensure the fulfillment of the needs of international standard tourist services.

Thus the impulse to exist amid global competition. Professionals and mastery of the English language is an important factor. The Government shall support the development of programs in a foreign language in Indonesia. Improving foreign language education in schools to foreign language training outside of school. The government could also make creative programs, one program undertaken by the citizens of Bandung with the English Thursday. Surely this is quite helpful in increasing public confidence in mengguanakan foreign language. Ability in the world of information technology will also be a factor. So also in improving the ability of the skilled labor that would be a competitor to reckon with.
Therefore, the government must take strategic steps that can be performed, including:

Empowerment Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
SME sector of the national economy is very strategic in the development of social economy. MSME is needed to increase economic competitiveness. Competition in terms of quality and quantity not only for the local and national market, but also exports. By empowering SMEs, it can create new enterprise, new jobs and can also maintain economic stability in the country.
Improving the Quality of Human Resources (HR)
HR is the most important thing facing the AEC. Qualified human resources will be able to compete and strong when facing the challenge. Nimble and innovative in taking ideas, steps, and actions. Improving the quality of human resources, for example with foreign language training. 


Hard skills and soft skills of Indonesian workers should be increased to comply with agreed standards. To that end, Indonesia should be able to improve the quality of its workforce so that it can be used both domestically and abroad as well as, to stem the skilled labor from other country so that Indonesia did not become slaves in their own country.

By improving the soft skills such as; improving the quality of foreign languages and technology comprehension . It will be open the opportunities to work in Indonesia and foreign. Besides that, professional skills that have common standards and are recognized by the institution or agency authorized education organization owned by human resources, it can also increase their value in the competitive labor market exchange.


Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN) merupakan organisasi regional di kawasan asia tenggara yang hingga saat ini terdiri dari sebelas (11) negara, yaitu; Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philipina, Singapura, Laos, Vietnam, Kamboja, Myanmar, Brunei Darussalam. Pada tahun 1997, disepakati ASEAN Vision 2020, yaitu mewujudkan kawasan yang stabil, makmur dan berdaya saing tinggi dengan pembangunan ekonomi yang merata yang ditandai dengan penurunan tingkat kemiskinan dan perbedaan sosial ekonomi. Lalu pada tahun 2003, disepakati tiga pilar untuk mewujudkan ASEAN Vision 2020 yang dipercepat menjadi 2015, yaitu:
1. ASEAN Economic Community,
2. ASEAN Politcal-Security Community,
3. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) merupakan salah satu bentuk Free Trade Area (FTA) yaitu suatu kerja sama ekonomi regional di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang terintegrasi dengan harapan mampu memberikan akses yang lebih mudah pada perdagangan luar negeri. Negara-negara di ASEAN yang dikenal sebagai komoditi ekspor berbasis sumber daya alam terbesar di Asia juga menjadikan peluang dalam persaingan pasar produksi. Namun, jika pemerintah tidak melakukan analisis terhadap permasalahan tesebut, beberapa sektor industri akan mengalami titik kelemahan ketika FTA benar-benar diimplementasikan.
Adanya  pasar bebas atau FTA tersebut membuka kesempatan dan persaingan pada pasar barang dan jasa, pasar investasi, pasar modal dan pasar tenagakerja. Dalam hai ini Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara populasinya terbesar di kawasan ASEAN, yang mana masyarakatnya Heterogen dengan berbagai jenis suku, bahasa dan adat istiadat dan dilimpahi banyak sumber daya alam yang terhampar dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Indonesia mempunyai kekuatan ekonomi yang cukup bagus, pertumbuhan ekonomi tertinggi di dunia setelah India. Ini akan menjadi modal yang penting untuk mempersiapkan masyarakat Indonesia menuju ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) tahun 2015.
Pada Pilar Pertama cetak biru MEA, dinyatakan bahwa : ASEAN sebagai pasar tunggal dan basis produksi internasional dengan elemen aliran bebas barang, jasa, investasi, tenaga kerja terampil dan aliran modal yang lebih bebas. Bila Indonesia tidak siap, maka aliran bebas barang, jasa, investasi, tenaga kerja terampil dan modal, terlihat sebagai ancaman daripada peluang. MEA dalam upaya peningkatkan kemakmuran ekonomi dilakukan melalui penguatan daya saing untuk memenangkan kompetisi global, melalui tahapan integrasi pasar domestik sebagai pasar tunggal dan integrasi basis produksi sehingga pada akhirnya mendorong peningkatan daya saing dalam menembus pasar global.
Adapun tantangan MEA seperti lapangan tenaga kerja yang ada di Indonesia akan menjadi ancaman yaitu menaikkan angka pengangguran, karena akan berdampak pada peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Khususnya buruh yang tidak memiliki sertifikasi pendidikan seperti buruh-buruh yang didatangkan dari China, bahkan Vietnam yang tidak lebih baik tingkat kesejahteraan pekerjanya dari Indonesia. Bila Indonesia tidak siap, maka aliran bebas barang, jasa, investasi, tenaga kerja terampil dan modal, terlihat sebagai ancaman dari pada peluang.
Masalah / Problem
Tantangan utama dalam bisnis di era ASEAN Economic Community 2015 adalah meningkatkan kemampuan SDM mengenai daya saing dan keunggulan kompetitif di semua sektor industri dan jasa pada tingkat persaingan global. Organisasi pun dituntut untuk mampu memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan (customer satisfaction) serta nilai pelayanan itu sendiri (customer value). Diperlukannya pengembangan SDM berbasis kompetensi ini dilakukan agar dapat memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan tujuan dan sasaran organisasi berdasarkan standar kinerja yang ditetapkan.
Dijelaskan Yoyo, keberhasilan organisasi sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas orang-orang yang bekerja di dalamnya yaitu  manajemen SDM dalam organisasi tidak sekadar administratif, tetapi mengarah pada upaya mengembangkan potensi SDM agar kreatif dan inovatif.
Kata Muhaimin, standar kebutuhan kualifikasi SDM diwujudkan ke dalam standar kompetensi untuk semua bidang keahlian, yang merupakan refleksi atas kompetensi yang perlu dimiliki setiap orang yang akan bekerja di bidang tersebut, seperti standar: Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI), Standar Kompetensi Khusus, dan Standar Internasional. Dan perlu adanya lembaga pendidikan berbasis kompetensi untuk menghasilkan SDM yang kompeten, dan telah teruji dalam Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi agar menghasilkan SDM yang unggul.
Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Menbudpar) Jero Wacik menyerahkan sertifikat kompetensi kepada empat ribu tenaga kerja yang bergerak di sektor pariwisata, yang meliputi bidang perhotelan, restoran, dan spa. Hal ini pun dilakukan dalam rangka Pencanangan Gerakan Nasional Pengembangan SDM Unggul Berbasis Kompetensi di sektor pariwisata. Terlebih lagi dalam menghadapi tantangan di regional ASEAN yang telah sepakat menerapkan kemudahan mobilitas tenaga kerja pariwisata di kawasan ini melalui mutual recognition arrangement (MRA). Hal itu lantaran sektor pariwisata dewasa ini menghendaki penanganan oleh tenaga profesional yang andal, berstandar, dan bersertifikat internasional untuk menjamin terpenuhinya kebutuhan standar pelayanan wisatawan.
Maka dari itu dorongan untuk tetap eksis ditengah persaingan global. Tenaga profesional dan penguasaan bahasa Inggris menjadi faktor penting. Pemerintah wajib mendukung program dalam pengembangan bahasa asing di indonesia. Meningkatkan pendidikan bahasa asing di sekolah hingga pelatihan berbahasa asing diluar sekolah. Pemerintah juga bisa membuat program-program kreatif, salah satunya program yang dilakukan oleh warga bandung dengan kamis inggrisnya. Tentunya ini cukup membantu dalam meningkatkan kepercayaan diri masyarakat dalam mengguanakan bahasa asing. Kemampuan dalam dunia teknologi informasi juga akan menjadi faktornya. Begitu juga dalam peningkatan kemampuan kerja terampil sehingga akan menjadi pesaing yang diperhitungkan.
Solusi / Solution
Untuk itu pemerintah harus melakukan langkah strategis yang dapat dilakukan, di antaranya :
1. Pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM)
UMKM merupakan sektor ekonomi nasional yang sangat strategis dalam pembangunan ekonomi kerakyatan. Pemberdayaan UMKM sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi. Persaingan dalam hal kualitas dan kuantitas tidak hanya untuk pasar lokal dan nasional, tetapi juga ekspor. Dengan memberdayakan UMKM, maka dapat teciptanya uasaha baru, lapangan kerja baru dan dapat pula menjaga kestabilan ekonomi negara.
2. Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)
SDM merupakan hal yang paling pentingdalam menghadapi AEC. SDM yang berkualitas akan mampu bersaing dan kuat menghadapi tantangan. Cekatan serta inovatif dalam mengambil ide, langkah, dan tindakan. Peningkatan kualitas SDM misalnya dengan pelatihan bahasa. Bahasa asing atau bahasa internasional yang telah diakui dunia ialah bahasa inggris dan menjadi sangat penting dalam peranan persaingan global.
Hard skill dan soft skill tenaga kerja Indonesia harus ditingkatkan minimal memenuhi ketentuan standar yang telah disepakati. Untuk itu, Indonesia harus dapat meningkatkan kualitas tenaga kerjanya sehingga bisa digunakan baik di dalam negeri maupun maupun diluar negeri, untuk membendung tenaga kerja terampil dari luar sehingga Indonesia tidak menjadi budak di negeri sendiri.
Dengan meningkatan soft skill seperti; peningkatan kualitas penguasaan bahasa asing, yaitu bahasa Inggris yang menjadi bahasa pengantar, dan penguasaan teknologi yaitu pengetahuan tentang komputer. Maka tebuka peluang yang didapat ketika hendak bekerja di Indonesia maupun diluar negri, dengan sudah mengetahui budaya dan bahasa yang digunakan. Selain itu keterampilan ataupun keahlian secara profesional yang memiliki standar umum dan diakui oleh lembaga atau badan organisasi pendidikan resmi tetentu yang dimiliki SDM tersebut juga dapat menjadi nilai khusus dalam persaingan bursa pasar tenaga kerja.


At this time competition in the business world becomes more stringent , enterprises which are not competitive then will not survive and will be eliminated from the business world . companies are required to increase production capacity, expansion efforts or to enrich types of products and also need adequate funding from different parties in order to survive in the business competition . One of the funding  that we know  is the capital market . Besides the accuracy,  investors should also be more selective when choosing the company, and one way to know it is by reading financial reports or financial performance of the company. Financial performance can be measured in several ways , such as liquidity, which reflects the company 's ability to meet short-term obligations of the enterprise, then identifies the solvency of enterprises in the cover medium-term obligations and long-term , and that is the ability of the company 's profitability by reaping the gains in a given period . Differences in results of some of these studies that identified on liquidity , solvency , and profitability effect on stock prices. Thus research related to the influence of liquidity , solvency , and profitability that need to be examined again emphasize the influence of the ratio of current liquidity ratios , solvency ratios whereas through in this case the ratio of debt to assets , and by profitability ratios in the case of the gross profit margin is .
Summary of Problems
Do Liquidity Ratio , Solvency and Provotabilitas significantly affect the price of shares in PT Astra International Tbk either partially or simultaneously?
The purpose of the examination
To find out if Ratio Liquidity , Solvency and Provotabilitas are significantly affect the price of shares in PT Astra International Tbk either partially or simultaneously.
Research Methods
The research was conducted in order to find out what variables that effect on the price of shares in PT . Astra International Tbk . This study emphasizes and focuses on a case study approach is by doing research at a certain time ( years 2008-2012 ) .
The data used is secondary data from 2008 to 2012 was collected from various sources , among which are:
·         Check the price of shares in PT . Astra International Tbk. ( )
·         Financial overview of PT . Astra International Tbk . ( ) .
Data Processing Method
The first step is getting the annual data about the current ratio , debt to asset ratio , and gross profit margin , and the stock price at PT . International Tbk years 2008-2012.
Step two is to calculate the relationship between each variable with multiple linear regression analysis that includes:
·         Determining the independent variable (independent ) and dependent variable ( dependent )
·         Determining manufacturing model regression model
·         Significant test of the model.
Liquidity Ratio Calculation
Liquidity ratio used by the author is Current Ratio . Current Ratio is used to measure the company ability in fulfill short-term liabilities with current assets
Calculation of Current Ratio at PT . Astra International Tbk . Is as follows:
Current Ratio                   =  
             =         =  97.46%
             =         =  143.12%
             =         =  124.62%
             =         =  110.94%
             =           =  119.05%
Current ratio in 2008 showed that 97.46 % of each debt secured by Rp 1 , - asset . In 2009 the current ratio increases to 143.12 % , and in the next two years in 2010 and 2011 its current ratio decreased respectively to  124.62 % and 110.94 % , then rise again in 2012 that is about 119.05 % .
Solvency Ratio Calculation
Solvency ratios used by the author is Debt to Asset Ratio . Debt to asset ratio is used to indicate the extent to which the debt can be covered by assets , the greater the ratio more secure.
Debt to Asset Ratio Calculation at PT . Astra International Tbk . Is as follows:
Debt to Asset Ratio     =  
          =       =  12.43%
          =       =  10.12%
          =       =  11.80%
          =       =  25.46%
          =       = 29.35%
Debt to Asset Ratio in 2008 showed that each debt secured by 12.43% to Rp . 1 , - asset . Whereas in 2009 its debt to asset ratio of 10:12 % was decreasing , then in the next three years ie in 2010 , 2011, and 2012 debt to asset ratio at Pt . Astra International Tbk. consecutive increase their experience as much as 11.80 % , 25.46 % , and 29.35 %.
Profitability Ratio Calculation
Profitability ratios are used by the author is Gross Profit Margin . Gross profit margin is used to compare the gross profit by net sales , and the ratio is also used to indicate how much of the net sale is the gross profit.
Calculation of Gross Profit Margin at PT . Astra International Tbk .:
Gross Profit Margin    X 100%
          =       =  10.71%
          =       =  11.22%
          =       =  11.18%
          =       =  10.60%
          =       =  10.52%
Gross profit margin in 2008 showed that 10.71 % of each debt secured by Rp 1 , - asset . In 2009 its gross profit margin increased to 11.22 % , while the next three years  2010 , 2011 , and 2012 gross profit margin of PT . Astra International Tbk . decreased each 11:18 % , 10.60 % , and 10:52 %.
Hypothesis Test
Analysis of Partial Test ( Test t )
This test is to find out the availability of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variables , while one or more other independent variables in controlled conditions .
Table of The Result of Partial Test Analysis ( Test T )
Current Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio, and Gross Profit Margin
PT . Astra International Tbk .
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Current Ratio
Debt to Asset Ratio
Gross Profit Margin
a. Dependent Variable: Stock Price
From the table above calculation, the results are :
a.       Partial coefficients for the current ratio
Based on the analysis performed above, t count coefficient is 7,956 , t tabel  coefficient (df = nk - 1 or df = 5-3-1 = 1 with an alpha of 5%) is 6,314 . Therefore, Ho is rejected and receive Ha . Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an effect on the ratio of the current stock price is positive and significant when the debt to asset ratio and the gross profit margin handled.
b . Partial coefficient for the debt to asset ratio
Based on the analysis performed above t calculation coefficients is 9384 , t_tabel coefficient (df=1 and alpha 5 %)  is at 6,314 . Therefore, Ho is rejected and receive H_a . Therefore, it can be concluded that there are influences on debt to asset ratio of stock price significantly and positively when the current ratio and the gross profit margin handled.
c . Partial coefficient for the gross profit margin
Based on the analysis performed above, t calculation coefficients is 5,843 t _tabel coefficient (df = 1 and alpha 5 % ) is at 6,314 . Therefore, Ho is rejected and receive H_a . Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an effect on the gross profit margin on stock price significantly and positively when the current ratio and the debt to asset ratio was handled.
Simultaneous Analysis Test ( Test F )
F test is used to determine the influence of the independent variable on the whole / in conjunction with the dependent variable .
Simultaneous Analysis Table Test ( Test F )
Current Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio, and Gross Profit Margin
PT . Astra International Tbk .
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Stock Price
b. Predictors: (Constant), Gross Profit Margin, Current Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio
From the table above the value of F = 56.127 and the significance of F = 0.098 , whereas alpha set is 5 % . Degree of Freedom is shown in calculation are DF1 = 3 and df2 = 1 . So, Ftable at the alpha level of 5 % with Df1 = 3 and df2=1 is 10.1.
Therefore F count > F table , is 56.127 > 10.1 then HO is rejected and Ha is accepted . So it can be concluded that there is a significant and positive influence of variable current ratio , debt to asset ratio , and gross profit margin on variable stock price.
 The evaluation of research and hypothesis testing model proposed in this study has some conclusions as follows:
1.      The analysis in this study received the first hypothesis (H1) because the test results showed significant correlation between the two variables is proposed earned value t count > t table namely 7,956 > 6,314 . It can be concluded that the liquidity ratio is positive and significant effect on stock price .
2.      The analysis of data in this study received the second hypothesis (H2) because the test results showed significant correlation between the two variables is proposed earned value value t count > t table namely 9,384 > 6,314. It can be concluded that the solvency ratio is positive and significant effect on stock price.
3.      The analysis of data in this study received the first hypothesis (H1)because the test results showed significant correlation between the two variables is proposed value t count > t table namely namely 6,843 > 6,314 . It can be concluded that the profitability ratio is positive and significant effect on stock price .
4.      The analysis of data in this study received a third variable hypothesis because the test results showed significant relationships between the four variables proposed and obtained value t count > t table  namely 56.127 > 10. So it can be concluded that there is a significant and positive influence on all three variables simultaneously namely liquidity ratio , solvency , profitability dfan the stock price variable .